Kejriwal Calls PM Modi’s Demonetisation
Arvind Kejriwal during press conference.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during a press briefing called Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Demonetisation move a ‘major scam’ and accused him of selectively leaking the information of demonetisation to his friends secretly before demonetising old currency notes.“A huge scam has been perpetrated a few days ago in the name of tackling corruption,” Kejriwal alleged.“Before announcing the move PM Modi had already informed his friends, who had black money so that they can secure their money,” he added.He further alleged that there had been significant misreporting on the money deposits made at banks.Raising questions on misreporting on the money deposits made at banks Kejriwal said, “In previous quarters, deposits in banks were negative. But in the July-to-September quarter, such large amounts were being deposited in the banks. Who did all this money belong to?”“Government has said depositors of black money will have to pay tax along with 200% penalty, which means 90% of the amount will be lost. So, in that case, which black money holder will deposit their cash? The government in indirectly trying tell black money holders not to deposit their money,” Kejriwal alleged.Continuing his attack on the demonetisation move he said, ” We are questioning Government’s intent, their intention is wrong.”“What kind of person holds black money in this country? Is it the Adanis, Ambanis, Subhash Chandras and Badals? Or is it rickshawala, cobbler, labourer or farmer?” he asked.Kejriwal’s attack came a day after BJP chief Amit Shah asked opposition parties including AAP for explanation on their move for opposing the demonetisation...
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